Recently I have had good reason to think about why I have the friends I have. I mean, I am not really a social person. I can't stand most people I meet. Well thats an extreme reaction. Let me rephrase. I don't like most of the people I meet.
Even worse, most of the people I meet don't like me. Yeah big surprise isn't it :) But the point is, I really like my friends. Yes there are a few people who for various reasons do not pretend to not know me anymore. God bless them!
So in my endeavour to figure out where my friends would land in a Venn diagram I headed over to Graph Jam. And the following is the result...
So now we see, its a very narrow band of people I can be friends with. Which means my friends are a very limited resource. Limited resources by definition become very valuable :)
So to all my friends, you know who you are, wherever you might be, if you ever do come across this post, Thank You! for being there for me!